Child Sponsorship & Education

Light up hope among children through sponsoring for their education.

Objectives: The objective of the Child Sponsorship is to provide an opportunity to every beneficiary of the program to reach their full God-given potential with the goal of raising future godly leaders, missionaries, and highly motivated professionals to contribute to the development of the country.

HIV/AIDS has left a generation of orphans in Africa, particularly in Uganda, which has over 2 million orphans. These children have been left to care for themselves, and many have been forced to drop out of school. Without an education, these children and the generations beyond them have little hope for a better future. Orphans are the most ignored victims of the AIDS pandemic in Africa, and many of them have been abandoned in remote villages devoid of governmental programs. Their deplorable conditions call for urgent attention.

Consequently, ACF Missions has been providing a Christian response through our Uganda Hope Child Sponsorship program. The goal of this program is to respond to the spiritual, emotional, educational, and physical needs of these vulnerable children. The Child Sponsorship Program of ACF Missions’ Uganda Hope provides an opportunity for individuals to invest their prayers and finances in the life of a child, who otherwise, would not have the opportunity for a bright future.

Scope of the Program

The program caters for the most vulnerable children in the primary and secondary school, including those who progress to the university in the Kabarole and Kumi Districts of Uganda.
In addition, ACF Missions provides:

  • Seed money for those who are not able to continue to the university or unemployed to start up a business
  • Medical support to the sponsored children
  • Spiritual counseling

Selection Criteria

ACF Missions Inc. uses the following criteria to select the beneficiaries:

  • Must be an orphan
  • No living relative to care for him/her
  • No other source of sponsorship inheritance


ACF Missions works with nationals on the ground to motivate the children for academic excellence and to become godly citizens and leaders in their community. Churches, organizations, and individuals are our partners in this daunting task. We request you to be a part of this effort to provide these children the access to basic education to improve their lives. You can help impact Africa, one child at a time. Your gift of:

  • $30 per month pays for school fees, uniform, meals, and medical care for a child in primary/secondary school
  • $1000-$2000 per year pays for a child to the university, depending on the course of study/type of school
  • Two people can team up to sponsor a child in the university

How Do I Get Started?

  • Complete the sign-up form.
  • You will be assigned one child/children.
  • We will send you a Sponsorship Package that will include a photograph of your sponsored child and a brief background.
  • Each sponsor receives photos, letters, and feedback from his/her sponsored child/children.
  • At the end of each school year, you will receive a report and your child’s progress during the year.
  • ACF Missions provides an annual report on the Child Sponsorship Program.
  • Each child/children will treasure the very thought that you care.
  • Many children trapped in poverty feel unloved and worthless. Your letters, photos, and prayers will mean more than you can possibly imagine.
  • Being a sponsor will change the future for your child and will change your own life in the process.

Does ACF Pay Its Volunteers?

ACF Missions’ volunteers and leaders are not paid salaries or benefits.

  • 100% of all designated support go directly to the beneficiaries.
  • All gifts are tax deductible.
  • ACF Missions’ financial reports are available upon request.

Program Outcome:

  1. ACF Missions currently sponsors 38 orphans and the needy at the elementary school, high school, technical institution, and university levels. At present, we have a waiting list of about 25 children at the primary, secondary, and university level. These orphans need sponsors so they can get the education they need.
  2. At the end of 2017 school year, about 20 students have graduated from the university and other institutions of higher learning in Uganda, including a medical doctor, nurses, computer and information technologists, accountants, administrators, and other professionals. Many of these graduates have started impacting their communities and are assisting with the local resources needed to sustain our programs. One of the students is the administrator of ACF Missions’ health center in Kigarama, Kabarole district in Uganda.

Should you have anything to clarify about, don’t hesitate to reach us.