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About Us

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Building partnerships to support a sustainable spiritual, social, and economic change in Africa.


ACF Missions identifies with the challenges that confront the African continent and is committed to bringing about spiritual, social, and economic changes through activities and programs that directly improve the lives of children, widows, families, and communities affected by HIV/AIDS, poverty, war, and other human disasters in Africa. We are motivated through the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ and God’s call to bring hope to the less privileged in Africa.

Core Values

Jesus Christ is the center of our mission. His compassion and love propel us to show compassion to those in need and we are very passionate about serving Him. We reconnect with the continent of Africa with integrity, in partnership with diverse organizations, to reach the poor and the unreached people groups in obedience to His command—Go Ye! We are committed to being fully accountable to Him, our supporters, and partners.

ACF Missions is the Mission’s agency of the African Christian Fellowship (ACF) East Region. When ACF Missions started 30 years ago, our desire was for a place of vibrant fellowship for believers who came from Africa to study in the United States so that we can remain united and strong in faith despite the many challenges we face as immigrants. Over the years, the Lord has blessed us, established us, and enlarged our vision. He has opened our eyes to see the need for every African in the United States to reconnect with Africa and make a difference in our beloved continent. The challenges our homeland is facing has never been more daunting, but rather than moan and blame our leaders, we have chosen to make a difference.

We are responding to God’s call to bring hope to many people groups in Africa that are still unreached. They have never heard of the love that took our savior, Jesus Christ, to the cruel cross and the power that raised Him from the dead. They may never hear unless someone, moved with compassion, crosses cultural barriers and takes the message of salvation to them. We firmly believe that at the root of Africa’s many political, economic, and social problems is a cry for spiritual rebirth and revival. Too many of our people remain in the grip of Islam, Animism, and nominal lifeless Christianity. For this reason, corruption, poverty, war, and disease defy every human solution and continue to ravage our homeland.

ACF Missions is focused on making the most impact on the ground. The organization has responded in a strategic and holistic way to the problem and needs in Africa. Some of the goals of the agency are to help improve the spiritual, social, and economic conditions in Africa. The organization works to achieve these goals through its core program areas:

happy volunteers smiling in a warehouse

Effective 1998, ACF Missions started these core programs in few African countries including Nigeria, Sudan, Benin Republic, and Uganda. ACF groups in other regions of the United States have also implemented similar programs in other African countries, such as Ghana, Congo, Central African Republic, Burundi, Cameroon, and Sierra Leone. Our programs target orphans and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and poverty, especially those in child-headed homes in remote communities.

We currently operate in two countries, BENIN REPUBLIC in West Africa and UGANDA in East Africa. In the Benin Republic, our program is spread all over the country while we operate in the Kumi district in Eastern Uganda and Fort Portal area in the western part of the country. We plan to expand our program to other districts in Uganda and other African countries in the future.
Click here to know more about our organization’s leadership. For more details about us, please feel free to reach us.