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Humanitarian Relief

Extending helping hands in times of disaster.

Africa has experienced bouts of natural disasters in the past decades, including flooding, erosions, and droughts caused by lack of rain. The continent has also experienced wars within and across country borders that displaced many families and left them homeless and helpless. Several families end up in refugee camps and are not able to engage in agricultural production and other trade to support themselves, which result in hunger and malnutrition.

In addition to the response to natural disaster globally by ACF USA national body, especially in developing countries, ACF Missions has also responded to such situations in African countries where we currently operate. In 2008, during the drought in Kumi district, we visited the village of Malera and distributed 100 bags of corn and beans. As a faith-based organization, ACF Missions believes in the ability of God to intervene in the affairs of men. After the food distribution in the village, we prayed for God to send rain to the village and that night. As we left the village, the sky was filled with dark cloud and the power of God brought down rain in a community that had not seen rainfall for more than three months.

Beyond the distribution of raw food items, ACF Missions provides cooked food to feed the people WHO attend our program in the villages we visit during the summer missions’ trips. Some come hungry to our programs with the anticipation of eating a good meal.

ACF Missions plays a vital role in the war against hunger and malnutrition with its program on economic empowerment, agricultural production program, and feed-the-people program during summer missions.

Learn more about this program by reaching us.